Blogging is a wonderful way for students to learn how to use the computer and how to express themselves in writing.
Comments 4 Kids is a really good program for children to post blogs for their class and get comments from people of all ages across the world. The blogs for Comments 4 Kids that I have commented on have seemed like the whole class was given a topic to write about in their blog for the week. It allows students to use their imagination to come up with a creative story for people to read. Mr. C uses his
class blog to allow students to post video assignments.

I think it is great that he has the students upload videos onto the class blog because it teaches them how to use video at a young age. He also has students post comments in Comments4Kids, particularly Kaia's post. It teaches students how to respect others opinions at a young age and rewording their post and comments to where it is not offensive. For my groups podcast we were assigned the topic "Blogging in the Classroom".

One of the pros that my group came up with was that students can talk to students across the world to learn about different cultures. The students can also use the blog posts as their weekly journals express what is on their mind. It can motivate students to learn proper grammar because they think it is the coolest thing that their work is on the internet for other people to see. Blogging is a great education tool and I recommend many teachers use it.
Great job. I love the Thanksgiving theme.