I think that most things in the class are pretty self explanatory to those who are familiar with computers. There are so many different types of technology that teachers use in the classroom that were not really even taught in the course. I think being taught how to use a Smart Board or Elmo would be really helpful to all of us as future teachers.
I don't think that any material taught in the course should go to waste. I probably will not listen to podcasts or watch a videocast but I know how to use them in case I am required to create a podcast. I think every thing was self explanatory, so I think that attending class was a little pointless since I did all my work outside of class.
I wouldn't necessarily say that the class excited me because most everything I knew how to use from my Computer Applications class in High School. I did enjoy creating a blog and finding cute backgrounds because I did learn how useful blogs can be in the classroom and even in your personal life.
I do not think anything was intellectually challenging. I'm sure for people who are not familiar with using computers there was. But, since I know how to use a computer without any serious difficulties, I did not find any of the assignments challenging.
I was extremely bored sitting in class every Thursday night for 2.5 hours. Since I did all my work at home and knew how to use all the programs, I rarely paid attention in class. I would just go and sit on Facebook during the lecture and pay attention only when I felt like I really needed to. I personally think that attending the class for such a long amount of time was a waste of my time.
The only way I would suggest changing the course is making the class an online class. Dr. Strange has no problem posting videos onto his blog, so I think the class could be changed to an online class. Dr. Strange could post videos explaining how to do something onto his blog and have an option where students can Skype him if they have any other questions.
I think I am technologically literate. I don't think the class improved my literacy a lot because I am already familiar with computers. I wouldn't say I am GREAT, but definitely good. If someone has a question about a computer, I could most likely answer it or try to explain to them what needs to be done.
I don't think that I will have to work hard to maintain my technological literacy. I know that most schools require you to take a technology class before you can start teaching there. So before I teach, I will attend that and get caught up with all the technology at that time.
Thank you for your comments Bailey. I hate to hear you were bored in class. Next semester the class is being revamped and will be mostly online using the instructional video. Students who know how to use a computer should do just fine with this format. It's the ones that have some difficulty that I am concerned about. It has been a pleasure having you in my class this semester. Good luck in your future endeavors.