- Put Kids in Touch with the World - Kids can learn a lot about different cultures by communicating with other children across the world. Comments 4 Kids is a great way for students to post blogs and comment on other kid's blogs. I think Comments 4 Kids is wonderful because it seems safe, but as teachers we still must supervise everything the students do because anyone can say anything over the internet.
-Delight in the discovery, the newness, and the fun technology holds - Using technology in the classroom can make learning so much more fun for the students! Technology can be used to get creative ideas, post projects, and even play games to enhance learning. Technology should definitely be used in the classroom to make learning more fun!
- Talk only when permitted, text at all other times - I love this rule because it is so true. Even though most schools have a no cell phone police, students still text each other throughout the day. I think it is great having a rule that allows texting in the classroom. It can help students communicate with students and teachers in other classrooms and is a lot easier to have on you at all time than a computer. I know I don't go anywhere without my cell phone.
- Be quiet in lines, hallways, and restrooms, unless you are at home and logged into your on line classroom, in which case you can dance and play - I thought this rule was really creative and it made me smile! I love how dancing and music is at the end. I'm all for not having to go to class and sit still. Online classes allow students to wear whatever they would like and do whatever they like. It is your responsibility to complete the work, so as long as everything is completed there is nothing wrong with dancing as you do your work.